The Provincetown Portuguese Festival has done the town of Provincetown great homage over the years by paying tribute to a number of the fishing vessels that have called Provincetown Harbor home. This year they are paying tribute to the Patricia Marie and its’ crew.
Capt. Chris King is the owner of the 60-foot steel vessel the Donna Marie and is the son of Patricia Marie (Lynch) King and Capt. William “Billy” King, the skipper of the Patricia Marie. The Patricial Maria sank while scalloping off Pollock Rip on October 24th 1976 with the loss of all seven men. The tradition of traditional fishing out of Provincetown Harbor has continued with the Donna Marie. The Donna Marie was built as the Mackenzie Page in 1969 at Daly’s Boat Yard in Jacksonville, Fla., and was a shrimper down south until the 1990s, when she came to New Jersey. Chris King, the son of William King of the Patricia Marie, purchased her in 2008 and upgraded her with a 400-horsepower Caterpillar 3408 engine. The annual routine is to go out for scallops from May to Labor Day; whiting and squid to mid-November; then cod, yellowtail and ground fish through the new year. King’s stepbrother, Capt. Willis King, is the skipper and his son Jared is often seen up in the rigging.
Will you be joining us this year for the Festival? The schedule of events is listed below:
Thursday, June 23, 2016
5:00pm-1O:OOpm Seamen’s Bank Compartilhe Na Nossa Mesa … “”Share Our Table” A showcase
of Provincetown’s best restaurants. Under the Seamen’s Bank Tent. B
Reservations are required
8:OOpm-10:00 pm Dancing Under The Tent with D.J. Rick Anthony $5.00
10:00am-12:00pm Kids paint ROOSTERS P”
12:00pm-2:00pm Capt. Manny Phillips Fishing Derby for Kids M (FREE)
2:30pm-4:00pm Lobster Crate Races (behind Surf Club) S
12:00pm-3:00pm Portuguese Soup Tasting with entertainment by the Dory Bar Blues Band B
12:00pm-4:00pm Facepainting P
2:00pm-4:00pm Portuguese Writers & Poets Read at the Harbor Lounge 359 Commercial St. (FREE)
3:00pm-6:00pm Music, Dancing & Entertainment On Stage. P (FREE)
5:00pm-8:00pm Lobster Bake B
*Beer and Wine Cash Bar
*Oyster, Clam and Shrimp Cash Bar
6:30pm-7:30pm Music for All Ages with Rick Anthony performing an Elvis Tribute artist – On Stage P (FREE)
8:00pm-10:00pm Music for all Ages with The band FAITH On Stage P (FREE)
9:00pm-1:OOam Homecoming Get Together with the “”Old Jugs”” S (FREE)
Saturday, June 25, 2016
10:00am-12:00pm Motta Family Kids Games and Cookout MF (FREE)
11 :30am-7:30pm Lions Club Portuguese Food Court and Enjoy Entertainment by the Portuguese Kids 6:30 to 7:30 B
12:00pm-2:00pm Live Entertainment and Portuguese Folklore Dancers P (FREE)
1:OOpm-3:00pm Capture the Flag Race S (FREE)
2:00pm-3:00pm Entertainment for Kids Of All Ages by the Toe Jam Puppet Band P (FREE)
3:00pm-5:00pm Portuguese Festival Parade On Commercial St. from Harbor Hotel to Franklin St.)
4:30pm-5:30pm Entertainment Continues Toe Jam Puppet Band P (FREE)
6:30pm-7:30pm Enjoy Comedy by the Portuguese Kids in the Lions Club Portuguese
Food Court under the tent B (FREE)
7:30pm-9:30pm Early Evening Provincetown Banner FADO Concert TH Contributions appreciated
Handicap access elevator available behind Town Hall.
9:00pm – 12:30am Dance to the SAMBA Band On Stage P (FREE)
Sunday, June 26, 2016
10:30am-11 :30am Fishermen’s Mass at St. Peters Church. SP
11 :30pm-12:30pm Portuguese Folklore dancers, Nossa Senhorade Fatima of Rhode Island, entertain in Lopes
Square while you wait for the Procession LS
12:00pm-1 :OOpm Procession from St. Peter the Apostle Church
1:OOpm 69th Blessing Of The Fleet and judging of boat decorations M
12:00pm-4:00pm TASCA … Portuguese Cafe M
1:OOpm-3:00pm Enjoy Portuguese Folklore dancing by the group,
Nossa Senhora de Fatima of Rhode, and the
Madeira Dancers (Rancho Folclorico do Santissimo Sacramento) of New Bedford M (FREE)
4:00pm-5:00pm Enjoy a Traditional Band Concert in front of
Town Hall. Free Featuring St. Anthony’s Band from Cambridge. TH (FREE)
4:00pm-7:00pm Finish Up Another Great Festival with a quick Get
Together at the Surf Club with Ed Sheridan’s and friends. SC (FREE)
So please be sure to join us as we celebrate the Portuguese heritage of Provincetown and as we honor the memory of those that we have lost as they have attempted to not only honor but to live the lives that our ancestors have been so proud of!