As the leaves fall, many of our friends and family members leave Cape Cod for warmer climates. Some leave for months at a time and others for a week or two. No matter how long you are away, you want to be sure that your Cape Cod home will be taken care of while you are away.
What should you keep in mind when choosing someone to watch over your largest asset or someone that will be taking care of your home? Is the person you are considering licensed? Do you know that the Massachusetts State Police offer a licensing program for care takers? Is the person or company you are choosing insured and bonded? You want to be sure that while they are covering your bases, they are covering their own as well!
Does your caretaker, the person taking care of your home, offer pre and post storm inspections? A winter Nor’ Easter on Cape Cod can wreak havoc on your home.
You want to be sure that the property is checked before the storm to assure readiness for the unpredictable Cape Cod Weather. Inspections can be strictly exterior or can include the interior that is up to you. An Emergency Response Service is something that you hope you never have to use but you want to be sure that if there is an emergency that your caretaker will get over there as soon as possible.
If you are interested in learning more about the caretaking services and property management companies available in this area be sure to talk to your rental agent or your local real estate agent. They may have a list of “preferred vendors” for you to choose from. The most important thing is that when you leave the Cape for the winter you know your home is taken care of until you return.